Monday, June 2, 2008

Of Pantsuits & Dead Designers

This time, the lost Lenore is musing on the passing of fashion designer Yves St. Laurent and that famed sartorial invention, the pant suit. Is this good, bad or ugly...the pant suit that is? What about Hillary Clinton and all her myriad pant suits? Is there a political agenda here? What say ye?

So here's what me-ye says:

"Dear Lenore: Not to disrespect the dead, but when I read your PROFNET query, an old joke came to mind. "He's so dumb he thinks Yves St. Laurent is the day before St. Laurent!" That is my one and only Yves St. Laurent joke. I didn't know the guy invented the pant suit. I mean, women were in fact wearing pants long before the day before St. Laurent came along. Just look at pix of women throughout history. I recall pix of Amelia Earhardt wearing pants. She was, of course, an Aviatrix which is not something you're supposed to ask your doctor about (if you have herpes...Aviatrix will not stop the spread of HIV...Do not take Aviatrix if you are allergic to eggs, walnuts, early 20th century biplanes or large bodies of water including oceans).
As a man, I want it to be known now and for the record that I am not intimidated by women who wear pantsuits. If a woman has a great body, it'll look good in anything, including a navy blue polyester pantsuit complete with oversized white satin bow blouse, the official 1985 officewear of women in the United States at the time I first entered the workforce.
Political repercussions? Nah. People are used to seeing women in pantsuits. In fact, they expect it. Hillary Clinton campaigning in a DRESS? How would that play in Peoria? Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister, Madame President Hillary Clinton is late, she got a run in he pantyhose and can't be seen in public that way, lest the Axis of Evil divine from this run, this veritable Grand Canyon divide of nylon threads, a sign of weakness, the inability to unify her constituency, her lack of attention to detail, and the fact that she has eczema and the heartbreak of psoriasis.
There's nothing mannish about a pantsuit (unless you're Tilda Swinton). I think we've gone beyond that now. It's not the pants, it's the man or woman wearing the pants.
Now if Obama or McCain show up a rally wearing a miniskirt, that's a fashion statement NOT for immediate release..."

1 comment:

Flower Spy said...

i love a pantsuit!!