Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pricey Proms

This week, the lost Lenore of the New York Sun is writing a column about how proms are becoming more like weddings in terms of the cost and hoopla involved as parents may pay "$600, $700 even $1000" for prom "fixin's", girls getting their makeup "done" etc. So, as a man who never went to any prom as I was too busy becoming an obese, society-shunning reclusive hermit in my adolescent years, I thought I would now offer my own perspective...

"Actually, I've heard tell of parents paying a heckuva lot more than $600-$1000 for prom and it's "fixin's" not to sound too much like the condiment section at the Burger King (for men, "fixin's" are raw onions, relish, and nacho cheese sauce). Nowadays, prom goers expect limonsines, and they're going to cost you several hundred right there; I've even heard tell of kids getting helicopter rides, and now you're into the thousands.

To answer your question, "do high school girls really need their make up 'done'", no, in fact, they don't NEED ANY of this stuff, but it's all part of the rite of passage from child to adult...of course, if you really want to instill this rite of passage into your teens, I'd suggest having them PAY for it as I've found a huge part of growing up is paying bills. Actually, maybe there's an idea there. Just like parents will have Christmas credit union accounts where they have money put away throughout the year to pay for their holiday gifts, parents can work with kids to have them do the same thing for prom. Year before, kid gets a summer job, save the money for prom. Maybe Mom and Dad, ala corporate 401ks, can offer a 50% match. Personally, I've always found that I've enjoyed things I worked for and truly earned than gifts that were just given to me. Ultimately, the kids may find they enjoy the prom alot more when they know they've earned the money to enjoy it. Of course, kids may say they've earned it through their grades, but again, reality check time. School work is to "real life work" the way climbing Mt. Everest in a video game is to ACTUALLY CLIMBING EVEREST. Just a wii bit of difference there. Pun intended."

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