Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A-Rod, Madonna & Me

This time, Lenore solicited me for my thoughts about the whole A-Rod, Madonna, has-she-brainwashed-him-with-Kabalah (which isn't a Jewish laundry detergent btw) scenario. So first, here's my full response, followed by a link to Lenore's article in the NEW YORK SUN:

"Lenore: Deep A-Rod/Kabalah/Madonna thoughts? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? First off, I knew nothing about this, but did a google search, read some people's blog comments and have come to the conclusion that that this all a pathetic attempt at getting attention (whose attempt you ask? All of'em) and for C-Rod to lay the groundwork for any divorce or court proceedings. Beyond that, the real culprit here, the one that set the stage for this fiasco, is, of course....
George Steinbrenner.
A-Rod was a nice guy playing for Texas until he was seduced by Darth Sidious, I mean, George Steinbrenner, and joined the Evil Empire, and I'm not talking the former Soviet Union or WAL-MART. A few seasons of playing in pinstripes, and the guy is shirking his fatherly duties to hang out with a woman who receives AARP magazine and takes Centrum Silver. He's clearly been brainwashed, but not by Kabalah, which he probably thinks is some kind of kosher cereal.
There's really only one thing to do--an Intervention, whereby A-Rod can be turned from the dark side and embrace the sanity of another baseball team, like, I don't know...the Orioles. I mean, we need some help here. Any team that has Kevin Millar batting cleanup is in TROUBLE."


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