Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Okay, Lenore is writing a column for's Newsroom ( about what's the dealydeal with all these celebrities being pregnant and how we're all being inundated with it so that we know more about Britney Spears' life than we do our own. So, here's what I had to say...

My dear misguided Lenore. It is not that WE, if we are defining WE as the general public, that is so fascinated by celebrities' pregnancies, it is why are MAGAZINE EDITORS so fascinated with celebrities' pregnancies? Can't a single issue of US or ALL YOU or ME or ME MYSELF AND IRENE come out without some alcoholic, straggly blonde haired 20something socalledcelebrity stumbling out of or into rehab clutching a baby upside down by the foot, adorning their glossy front cover? Evidently not. Do these magazines and entertainment programs run these stories because they think we care or is it that we care because we're constantly being bombarded with these stories? It's that chicken or the egg thing...which the magazines would cover to let us know that the chicken was unmarried and high when the rooster came calling and will be there when the egg hatches to report that the chick inside was born addicted to crack. Anyway, it's a theory. Otherwise, I think people are just fascinated by the fact that CELEBRITIES CAN BREED TOO. It makes them just a thimbleful more human, and by making them human, we can relate to them. So when Eunice in the trailer park with 57 kids and another 29 on the way tunes in and sees Britney Spears with a baby in one hand and a Budweiser in the other, she can sigh and say, DAMMIT CLETUS, I TOLD YOU TO STOP A'HITTIN' YO SISTER WITH YOUR DADDY'S RIFLE! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M WATCHIN' MY STORIES ON DA TV! Yes, Eunice and Britney share a common bond, and that's why we care.
Again, it's a theory.

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