Friday, April 3, 2009

World of War-versus-Amore-Craft?

As the lost Lenore has gotten uber-busy with her Free Range Kids project, I have noticed that Rosemary B. has begun writing intriguing stories out of the Lenore-vein for the New York Daily News. Most recently, she posted a request for experts to comment on a report that indicated that "one out of every three men would rather play video games than have sex." So, as a former relationship/dating columnist, "Single in the City," for the now defunct BALTIMORE EXAMINER newspaper, I felt obligated to reply...
My thought on this is to look at it from the other angle, i.e. this also means that TWO out of every THREE guys would indeed rather have sex than play video games. So who are these obstinate abstinents? The geeks, nerds, uncool, less than attractive (at least by society's current standards), the living-in-their-parents'-basement types as described in William Shatner's famous SNL tirade, the guys coming out of bad relationships, divorces, guys who have had bad experiences in the sexual realm (i.e. just one too many criticisms about inadequate performance, inability to secure a prescription for Viagra, those recovering from STDs), guys who wouldn't have any interest in sex whether there were video games or not (shout outs to you both, Percy and Ulysses!), and those guys who prefer StoveTop stuffing. You add all that up, it's probably MORE than a third. So that covers it