Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's 2009. And???

Since the Lost Lenore has been so uberbusy preparing for the debut of her book on FREE RANGE KIDS her requests for insights regards anything else have dwindled like the value of my condo, leaving long stretches of nothingness between my blog entries, so I decided I'd post an entry because, like nature, the internet abhors a vacuum and who doesn't love a good Hoover?
It's 2009 and the year, at least for me, is sucking like the proverbial black hole in space. I can't find Stephen Hawking to remedy the situation and have become even more depressed watching ARMAGEDDON WEEK on the History Channel. Anybody notice the fact that all SEVEN SEALS OF THE APOCALYPSE are upon us, 7 seals we can't club? Is the giant super volcano which is Yellowstone National Park about to go KA-BLEWEE, sending humanity, Yogi, Booboo and the Forest Ranger into the after life? Around me, friends have lost loved ones, are dealing with serious illness, legal matters, and economic doom and gloom. Fortunately, CHANGE IS AT HAND and we are all hoping...praying...President Obama will guide us into the light. Even though I voted for "the old man," I'm pullin' for The Big O. Anything has to be better than the neofascist government (let's be straight on this, the last 8 years have NOT been Republican, or Democrat, or anything else we're used to...Whigs, Federalists, whathaveya) we've had messing things up. I'll be camping out in front of my mailbox, waiting for my stimulus check...of course I didn't get one last time, whazzupwiddat?
Well, that's it. Nothing more to say. Not going to wallow in a pool of self pity. Best advice: suck it up, keep working hard, keep putting money in your 401K so when the stocks rebound, we'll all be in the gravy. Well, it's a theory. Beyond that, am hoping the Orioles sign somebody who wasn't playing in the Italian Softball Beer League last winter. Oh, and GO RAVENS, tame the Titans!